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Anthony Veder expands fleet with four modern gas tankers from L.G.R.


anthonyveder-320x237Anthony Veder has purchased  four modern gas tankers from L.G.R. di Navigazione S.p.A.

The 4000 CBM semi pressurized/fully refrigerated gas carriers Castel Dell’ Ovo (2007) and Castello Di Gradara (2009) have already been commercially managed by Anthony Veder since early 2015. They will be delivered to Anthony Veder in the coming months and will be renamed Coral Medusa and Coral Monactis respectively.

Expected to be delivered shortly after the first two vessels are the 8000 CBM ethylene carriers Castel Nuovo (2009) and Castel Sant’ Elmo (2009). They will be renamed Coral Pearl and Coral Patula.

Jan Valkier, Anthony Veder’s CEO comments, “We are very happy with this transaction since it ties in perfectly with our long term strategy to continuously improve the efficiency and the flexibility of the services we provide to our customers.”

With this unique transaction Anthony Veder is further rejuvenating its fleet, while at the same time maintaining its high standards in providing safe and efficient shipping tonnage to its clients. The new vessels will trade in North West Europe, in Anthony Veder’s pool of gas tankers.