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IRO Name Change

In view of the current developments related to the transition from traditional energy sources to renewables, the Board of IRO proposed a change in the purpose and name of the 45-year old Dutch association to better reflect the versatility of the activities and capabilities of the IRO members.

The new name in the Articles of Association will be: ‘Vereniging Industriële Raad voor de Olie- en Gasindustrie en Offshore Renewable Industrie, afgekort IRO’. The formal purpose of the association is formulated as ‘De vereniging heeft ten doel het behartigen van de belangen van de Nederlandse toeleveringsbedrijven in de olie- en gasindustrie en in de offshore renewable industrie’.

For day-to-day business, IRO will use the name ‘Branchevereniging voor de Nederlandse Toeleveranciers in de Olie- en Gasindustrie en Offshore Renewable Industrie’ or in English ‘The Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Oil and Gas Industry and Offshore Renewable Industry’.

As of 2017, this change in both name and purpose, will result in IRO intensifying their efforts and activities related to offshore wind and other forms of marine renewable energy sources. The current set of communication materials will be gradually adapted in line with the new mission.