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ISO 14001:2004 Certificate For DSR

dsr_webDamen Shiprepair Rotterdam (DSR) has announced that on 15 December, Peter Cornelissen (left), Manager Certification of Lloyd’s Register Nederland (the auditor) officially handed over the ISO 14001:2004 certificate to Wim Kloosterman (right), Managing Director of DSR. A member of the Damen Shipyards Group, her main business is maintenance, repair and conversion of all types of ships and offshore units.

DSR – located in Rotterdam Harbour – has improved her organisation in order to bring the service to her customers to a higher level. These improvements also include better control with the help of the environmental management system therefore reducing the negative effects on the environment resulting from the company’s operations. As stated by DSR: Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam is one of the first yards in the world to receive the ISO 14001:2004 certificate. The ISO 14000:2004 certificate is proof of DSR’s unique status.