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PTR Holland Expanding Facilities

ptr_holland_office-1PTR Holland BV – the world’s largest manufacturer of rope ladders – has recently started the expansion of its warehousing and office facilities at the company headquarters in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The provider of products such as embarkation, lifeboat and gangway ladders, scaffolding, nets, anti-corrosion tapes and a host of other safety related products is expected to increase its facilities by approximately 70%.

PTR Holland has warehouses/offices in Houston, Brazil, Singapore, Dubai, China and hopes to open its doors in Jakarta, Indonesia around June 2011.The company’s rope ladders come with all the necessary approvals, such as the MED (Marine Equipment Directive) Wheelmark approval. PTR Holland can also make tailored accommodation ladders according to the provided drawings, with Class approvals according to the latest regulations. PTR has recently expanded its latest portfolio with anti-piracy products.