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Royal Danish Navy Awards Bridge Simulator Contract To Kongsberg Maritime

km_dalo_contract_150The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO), acting on behalf of three naval training centres in Denmark, has chosen Kongsberg Maritime to supply sophisticated new bridge simulation facilities. The contract, includes a main delivery to the Marinehjemmeværnssektionen Slipshavn (Danish Home Guard School) of four DNV Class B Part Task Bridge Simulators with instructor & debrief stations.

This part of the delivery comes with integration with real vessel equipment for enhanced physical realism and includes the option of an additional four identical bridge simulators. The contract, which was signed in Ballerup, Denmark on 14 December 2011, was awarded to Kongsberg Maritime as part of a public tender issued to support the Royal Danish Navy’s training capabilities through advanced simulation technology. It also includes delivery of Royal Danish Navy vessel models and exercise areas relevant to specific training needs, mostly covering Danish and surrounding waters.

Other Facilities
Two other Royal Danish Navy facilities have options for new simulator equipment as part of the contract award. The Royal Danish Naval Academy (Søværnets Officersskole) has already ordered a DNV Class A Full Mission Bridge Simulator, Part Task Bridge Simulators and a desktop classroom configuration. Additionally, the contract also includes an optional bridge simulator system for the Royal Danish Naval Warfare School (Søværnets Taktikkursus).

Prestigious Contract
“The main delivery to the Danish Home Guard School is the basis of a prestigious contract that was won amidst some tough competition”, comments Erik Hovland, Sales and Marketing Manager, Kongsberg Maritime. “The contract reflects our ability to provide flexible simulator configurations and offer value added services including system and instructor training at multiple sites. As a Kongsberg Maritime simulator customer, The Royal Danish Navy will also benefit from being part of a large network of naval simulator users from around the world.”

Image courtesy ABIS Alan Lancaster Commonwealth of Australia.