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Jumbo Installs First Pieces at Anholt Wind Farm

jumbo-denmark-tp-installation-webJumbo’s DP2 heavy lift vessel Jumbo Javelin installed the first nine transition pieces (TPs) for the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm in Denmark. DONG Energy is building Anholt Offshore Wind Farm. Jumbo is working for the Danish contractor MT Højgaard, who is in charge of installation of the foundations.

Jumbo says the operation was performed as planned in every detail: transport, installation, accessibility of the TP, grouting and safety. The company says the job proves their concept of using only one free floating vessel on DP for transport and installation.

After loading the first nine Transition Pieces in Aalborg, Denmark, they were transported to the offshore location. There, the Jumbo Javelin positioned itself on DP next to the pre-installed monopiles and lifted the TPs from her hold onto the monopiles. After leveling the TPs to their final position, the grouting procedure was executed.

The Jumbo Javelin is able to carry nine TPs at a time, each with weights up to 200t. All TPs can be stowed vertically in the hold of the vessel for transport to the offshore location. The ship is free floating and uses its DP2 system to create a stable working environment in which TPs can be installed. With two cranes and a high transit speed of up to 17 knots, the vessel is well-equipped for efficient wind farm installation work.

Image courtesy of Jumbo Shipping.