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TCB enlarges its cranes to operate the biggest ships in the world

TCB_Recrecimiento grúasThe Terminal de Contenidors de Barcelona (Barcelona Container Terminal or TCB), managed by Grup TCB, has completed the heightening its three Super Post Panamax cranes to service state-of-the-art ships with up to 10 levels of dry-van containers on deck or nine levels of high-cube containers.

TCB has increased the height of the three cranes by a total of 6m, from 41 to 47, so now it can handle two more levels of containers on deck on ships calling at Barcelona. Furthermore, the heightening has meant an improvement in visibility and in the safety of the operations performed by the machinery. The three cranes can handle ships of up to any size that are operating or are under construction today.

When it acquired the Super Post Panamax cranes in 2007, TCB already took into account that the machinery’s bases and the lifting elements were designed so this change could be made in the future.

According to Carlos Larrañaga, the General Manager of TCB, “innovation and the modernisation of our machinery are part of our commitment to adapt to the needs of the shipping lines calling at Barcelona. The enlargement allows us to meet the needs of the state-of-the-art large ships that are part of international routes. Every day we pursue efficiency, quality, safety and respect for the environment.”