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By the industry, for the industry

WindEuropeWindEurope’s Annual Event is returning to Denmark – the home of wind energy. The entire industry, every link in the value chain, and from every part of Europe, will be in Copenhagen from 25-27 April 2023.

We are living through turbulent times and the coming years will be crucial for wind energy. Europe needs to be self-sufficient in energy for its own security and the EU is calling for decarbonisation by 2050. Wind energy needs to take charge and meet these challenges. For the industry, the need to decarbonise comes with a new dimension. With electricity prices through the roof, clean, homegrown, reliable, and affordable energy for all Europeans is needed. In this challenge, wind energy has to take the lead, driving Europe’s response to this energy crisis and safeguarding European livelihoods.

When it comes to wind power, Denmark is one of Europe’s shining lights. The country is a global leader in the field, for both onshore and offshore wind. And a showcase for what we do best as an industry. Therefore, it is only fitting that in 2023, the wind energy sector will come to life in the Bella Centre in Copenhagen. This year’s conference will be looking at how to deliver the rapid buildout of wind and doubling down on the major obstacles. The objectives set out in REPowerEU, the EU’s energy response to the current crisis, aren’t necessarily being deployed on the ground. Many obstacles remain. And WindEurope’s goal is to tackle these head on, and get wind on the path to growth.

WindEurope’s Annual Event is developed by the industry for the industry and the conference programme has been set up in close collaboration with hundreds of experts from across the industry and academia, as well as with WindEurope’s Working Groups, Event Ambassadors and Content Partners. Conference key focuses include:

  • Slow and cumbersome permitting and insufficient market scale.
  • The supply chain, and how to ramp it up.
  • Other societal interests, and how to engage with them.
  • How to accelerate grid deployment.
  • Engaging the demand side.

Across three days, visitors will be able to attend more than 50 sessions about policy, industry, education, and finance in which they can listen to and interact with speakers from Europe and beyond, from policy to industry, education to finance, and from local authorities right up to European and international bodies.

Parallel to the conference, a completely sold-out exhibition takes place where visitors (an estimated +10,000) can meet more than 400 companies who are ready to reach out, do business, and showcase their latest products to the entire sector. The wind industry is always on the lookout for fresh voices and new ideas to fulfil its potential. Dedicated to innovative solutions, the Startup Pavilion is a place designed for companies looking to showcase innovative technology to prospective partners and buyers.



  • Date: 25-27 April
  • Opening hours:
    25-26 April: 09:00h-18:00h
    27 April: 09:00h-17:00h
  • Venue: Bella Center Copenhagen, Center Boulevard 9 – 2300 Copenhagen (DK)